The Human Mind Has Never Struggled Harder To Understand And Explain To Itself The Process Of Creation, And Of Divine Manifestation, And At The Same Time To Conceal Its Thoughts From All But The Initiated, Than In The Kabalah.


Pike hits another home run with his next lesson, he said, “The human mind has never struggled harder to understand and explain to itself the process of creation, and of Divine manifestation, and at the same time to conceal its thoughts from all but the initiated, than in the Kabalah.” Yet right after he wrote, “Hence, much of it seems at first like jargon.” Yes, indeed it does; but regardless, little by little, piece by piece, it is starting to come together. You see, Adam Kadmon is “the idea or intellectual aggregate of the whole Universe, included and contained unevolved in the manifested Deity, Himself yet contained unmanifested in the Absolute.” I think the key to understanding these important Pike lessons is to break down each sentence independently. By doing so, the Light becomes brighter and brighter. That is why I separate each sentence with colors. I hope this helps; I know it helped me. Enjoy and please share this important Masonic lesson from our Master sage Albert Pike:

The human mind has never struggled harder to understand and explain to itself the process of creation, and of Divine manifestation, and at the same time to conceal its thoughts from all but the initiated, than in the Kabalah. Hence, much of it seems at first like jargon. Macroprosopos or Adam Kadmon is, we have said, the idea or intellectual aggregate of the whole Universe, included and contained unevolved in the manifested Deity, Himself yet contained unmanifested in the Absolute. The Head, Kether, “whereof is no cognition,” is the Will of the Deity, or the Deity as Will. Hakemah, the head “of that which is non-existent,” is the Generative Power of begetting or producing Thought; yet in the Deity, not in action, and therefore non-existent. Binah, “the very or actual head” of Macroprosopos, is the productive intellectual capacity, which, impregnated by Hakemah, is to produce the Thought. This Thought is Daath; or rather, the result is Intellection, Thinking; the Unity, of which Thoughts are the manifold outflowings.

This may be illustrated by a comparison. Pain, in the human being, is a feeling or sensation. It must be produced. To produce it, there must be, not only the capacity to produce it, in the nerves, but also the power of generating it by means of that capacity.

This generative Power, the Passive Capacity which produces, and the pain produced, are like Hakemah, Dinah, and Daath.

The four Worlds or Universals, Aziluth, Briah, Yetzirah, and Asiah, of Emanation, Creation, Formation, and Fabrication, are another enigma of the Kabalah. The first three are wholly within the Deity. The first is the Universe, as it exists potentially in the Deity, determined and imagined, but as yet wholly formless and undeveloped, except so far as it is contained in His Emanations. The second is the Universe in idea, distinct within the Deity, but not invested with forms; a simple unity. The third is the same Universe in potence in the Deity, unmanifested, but invested with forms,–the idea developed into manifoldness and individuality, and succession of species and individuals; and the fourth is the potentiality become the Actuality, the Universe fabricated, and existing as it exists for us (Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma, 1871, p. 758-759).


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2 thoughts on “The Human Mind Has Never Struggled Harder To Understand And Explain To Itself The Process Of Creation, And Of Divine Manifestation, And At The Same Time To Conceal Its Thoughts From All But The Initiated, Than In The Kabalah.

  1. Pingback: The Human Mind Has Never Struggled Harder To Understand And Explain To Itself The Process Of Creation, And Of Divine Manifestation, And At The Same Time To Conceal Its Thoughts From All But The Initiated, Than In The Kabalah. | Random Thoughts

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